Hi friends, Today marks my 1-month anniversary at my new employer. An employer that’s not me. It’s the first time that has happened in 5 years. The whole experience of working for someone else again has been a crazy ride actually – like entering a different world. It...
My latest articles ✍️
Why You Don’t Need a Great Idea (Hint: Be Like a Dolphin)
Hi friends, This week I read an interview by two founders of the Rotterdam-based startup called Breeze. In the article, Marsha Goei explained that there are two ways in which you can start a business. “You can either start from a really good idea or from the thought...
Why I Started to Enjoy Doing the Dishes
Hi friends, Today feels like a special day. This morning I took a dive in the sea (two, actually), I kickboxed on the beach, I waved goodbye to a good friend who’s moving to France… and now I’m typing this newsletter in the sun with a view on the pier of...
Why I Chose to Be an Entrepreneur
Hi friends, Do you ever get asked: “why do you want to be an entrepreneur?”. Now that I’m back at being a part-time employee again, I’ve been asked this question a lot over the past few weeks. And to be honest, it’s a solid one. I’ve noticed that it’s quite a taboo...
What to Do When You’re Too Busy to Work on What You Want
It's Saturday and this is the first article I was able to write this week. When people asked me about it I answered "I have no time". And I believed that. I mean, this week... 😅 I had my first week of working 32 hours for a new employer😅 I commuted over 3 hours per...
Why I Started a Part-Time Job after 5 Years of Being a Full-Time Entrepreneur
Hi friends, Hope you had a nice weekend! I just got back from a short trip with my family to celebrate my dad’s birthday. Fun fact: his name is Christ and he turned 62 on April Fool’s Day (not a joke). As a gift, we went on a short trip to take family pictures at the...
How I Wrote Down my Top Goals and Daily Actions for the Next Quarter
In a previous article, I shared how I visualised my goals for 2022 by creating a desktop wallpaper. These are my top-level goals, which means they are unlikely to change. My sub-level goals, however, can change every week, month or quarter -- influenced by what I've...
Why I Just Published my Ultimate List of Books for Creative Entrepreneurs
Over the past few weeks, I've been compiling my ultimate list of books for creative entrepreneurs. Tonight I published it! You can view it here 🥳 The list includes 24 books as it is right now. These are the books that made the biggest impact on my life and business...
3 Things I’ve Learned from Moving Around a Lot in my Twenties
Today I moved into a new place. Exhausted, as you can see from the photo. But it feels good. I moved into a nice, cosy place in what’s arguably the liveliest street of Rotterdam. Every time I walk out of the door I see people drinking and laughing, so it’s a great...
Why Joining a Monthly Book Club is Changing the Way I Read
For over half a year now, I’ve been part of a book club – or rather, a ‘Book KREW’ as we like to call it. Once a month, we meet online to discuss the non-fiction book we read in the previous month. Then we pick a book to read in the next. It’s an extremely simple idea...
3 Lessons I’ve Learned from the Most Inspiring Teacher I Ever Had
Today I was talking about the future of education with two founders of an e-learning company. We discussed why we’re drawn to creating digital learning experiences. We all agreed that a big part of it is that we want to inspire people, rather than simply transferring...
How to Stay Chill When You’re Feeling Stressed
Hi friends, Do you ever have those weeks where you look back and you know you’ve gone a little past your limit? I just had one of those. Honestly, it’s a small miracle I somehow found the mental capacity to type this email to you tonight. Here’s why: 😬 I was at home...
Gamify your Online Course: How to Add Badges to Articulate Rise
When designing an online course, you may want to add badges to create a sense of accomplishment for your students and make your course more fun. Very few tools offer the possibility to add gamification features such as badges to your online course. What I've learned...
KREW Community #2: Making our Meetings for Entrepreneurs Scalable
This article is part of the Work in Progress series, in which I discuss my current projects in their “unfinished” state. Learn from my fuckups and successes in real-time or become part of my journey by sharing your own experiences and advice. Previous entries in this...
The Easy Way to Start Earning Money with a Side Hustle
Side hustles, multiple or passive income streams… if I wouldn’t know any better, I’d think that every entrepreneur is doing this. I read about them all the time. Of course the reality is that most of us are already happy that we have even one thing going for us –...
The Ultimate Guide on How to Create & Sell your Online Course [Free Webinar Included]
A while ago, I hosted an online webinar on how to build and sell your online course. Even though it was my first-ever webinar on the topic, it was very well received by our members inside KREW – our community of entrepreneurs I hosted the webinar for. Today, I feel...
Why Bad Things Sometimes Make Me Happy
Yesterday was the first day I didn’t post my daily article. It wasn’t much of a choice though, because I was shivering from fever for most of the day and my throat hurt like hell. Because yes – after more than 2 years, it finally happened – COVID got me too. The...
How I Get into “the Zone”
Hi friends, Do you have those moments when you’re so into something that you postpone going to the restroom until you really don’t have a choice? That’s how I recognise that I’m in “the zone”. The Pixar movie Soul describes this state as a space between the spiritual...
How I Started Building a Local Community of Entrepreneurs
It was mid-2018 when I moved back to The Netherlands. I had just spent over 1 year as a digital nomad, travelling all over southeast Asia. I was 27 years old at the time and temporarily living at my brother’s apartment in The Hague. A one-room apartment with barely...
3 Creative Ideas for Using Play-Doh in Your Online Courses
What I love most about creating online courses is the process of finding new creative ways to illustrate your point. Not only does this make online courses more fun and engaging, it also makes it easier for course participants to remember whatever it is you’re trying...
5 Simple Tips to Improve your Website with the StoryBrand Framework
In one of my recent articles, I discussed the value of the StoryBrand framework – an engaging storytelling formula created by Donald Miller to help businesses communicate their most powerful messages simply and clearly. You might have been thinking: ‘this is great and...
Don’t Search for Your Passion. Instead, Become So Good They Can’t Ignore You
I spent a lot of the past decade thinking about what I want. Thinking about what I love doing… about what I find fulfilling... about what my true passion is. It felt like most important thing to discover in my entire life. After all, if I was going to be spending my...
3 Marketing Lessons from TV Show Episode ‘The Movement’ by Nathan for You
If I had to name my favourite TV show episode of any show ever, I might say it’s The Movement by Nathan for You. I rewatched it again this weekend and it’s just pure comedy gold. I recommend you to watch it if you haven’t. Heck, I recommend you to watch all episodes...
How a Monthly Board Meeting Became the Backbone of my Business
As I’m writing this I’m on the train, on my way back from my monthly board meeting for KREW. I never used to have an “advisory board” until 1,5 years ago. Now it’s a crucial element of my business. Even though the value of these meetings is so high to me, I realise...
3 Business Lessons Kickboxing Taught Me
Hi friends, Every Sunday morning at 9 am, I hop on the train from Rotterdam to The Hague to go kickboxing with my brother and friends. While kickboxing is a great way to stay in shape, it’s also extremely tactical. Especially during sparring sessions. This makes it a...
How to Ask for Video Testimonials from Your Clients (Email Template Included)
At the end of a nice collaboration, I love to ask my clients for a video testimonial. Not only can video testimonials be a lot of fun and feel very fulfilling for you as a business owner, they can also be a great tool to get new or returning clients. Video...
How to Make Sure that Your Clients Pay (On Time)
Recently at a KREW meeting someone asked me: "how can I make sure that my clients pay me on time?" 🤔 This is a question that I hear from entrepreneurs often, in one form or another. Not just for getting paid on time, but for getting paid at all. Apparently, a lot of...
Connecting the Dots: What Did You Love to Do as a Child?
You might’ve noticed that I wrote my about page this week 🥳 I thought it would be fun to include some pictures from my childhood in there, so I asked my mom to go through our old photo albums. When I was scrolling through the pictures that she sent me, something...
How I Wrote Down My Personal Goals for 2022 as a Creative Entrepreneur
Goal setting is very interesting to me. It’s one of those things that everybody knows is important, but very few people do. Even many of the entrepreneurs that I speak to don’t have clearly written-down goals. And if they do, rarely do they rewrite and revisit their...
The 3 Elements to Find Your Purpose by Clay Christensen
Purpose. It seems like you can’t look anywhere these days without that word being thrown around as anyone’s one true mission in life. “Find your purpose and all of your problems will be solved.” I’ve been listening to Noah Kahan quite a bit lately and there’s one...